
今天在祇園出現的舞妓! 這是今天去外拍的工作人員捕捉到的影像喔!只要在4/1~4/30「都をどり」的期間,都很有機會在祇園附近看到真正的舞妓喔!看他們身穿這麼高的木屐走路還能健歩如飛,真的非常厲害呢!
官網: http://www.miyako-odori.jp/miyako/index.html

Staff Chien


Have you ever seen Maiko walking through the street? Now is your chance to meet them! “Miyakoodori” is a Japanese dance performance held every April at Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theater. During this month, you got an opportunity to witness a real Maiko on their high shoes walking fast but with elegance near Gion. It will absolutely become the best memory in Japan!

Check the website of Miyakoodori now: http://www.miyako-odori.jp/miyako/index.html

photo by staff Sukimoto
copy by staff Weng