


是的,這間寺廟就是位在京都嵯峨(嵐山方面)的空藏法輪寺。staff Weng在休假時路過,但可惜當天是平日,時間又晩了,所以staff Weng只看到吃櫻花的猴子而已XDDD


Have you ever heard about "Juusanmairi"? In ancient time, boys and girls living in Kyoto should do a special visit to the god when they grow up to thirteen. This special visit is called Juusanmairi. It was the rite of passage. These boys and girls were seen as adult since then. And this ceremony held in this temple.

The name of the temple is Horin-ji.

Juusanmairi is usually held in the month from March 13 to May 13. When staff Weng happened to come here, it was too late at a day so there was nothing but two monkeys on the tree top lol


google map http://0rz.tw/nGqSn

by staff Weng









松尾大社 山吹


staff Hung和staff Weng先後利用休假到松尾大社去晃了一圈,海外觀光客似乎比較少踏足這區,staff Weng也是湊巧到附近,才知道山吹滿開的消息,努力衝過去看的。

山吹這個名字相傳有許多由來,staff Weng個人最喜歡的説法是:山吹柔軟的枝條在背風吹著搖晃時,看起來就像山在搖動一樣,故稱山吹。英文叫做Japanese rose,是日本的原生種。山吹花的?色在日本也稱為山吹色,是傳統顏色之一喔~


photo by staff Hung & staff Weng
written by staff Weng



The yellow flower named "Japanese rose" has blossomed in Matsunoo Taisha Shrine!

This flower has a beautiful name in Japan, which means the blows of mountain. It is said that when winds blow through the flowers in the mountain, it looks asif the mountain were shaking itself. That's why it got its name, yamafuki.
The yellow color of this flower, is also known as one of the traditional colors in Japan. Also, it is the flower of elegance, sublime and expectancy in Japan. Can you tell from the photos? 

photo by staff Hung & staff Weng
copy by staff Weng

English website of Matsunoo Taisha Shrine:


毎年日本的四月底五月初是紫藤開花的時節,紫藤花給我的印象,一直以來都只停留在舞妓頭上美麗的垂墜髮飾,自從去年在平等院看到藤棚的介紹後,就一心期盼著親眼看看真正的紫藤花,可惜今年平等院因修繕的關係完全沒有花苞,因此決定前往「鳥羽水環境保全中心」來看看這讓我想了至少半年的美景。於是,我終於如願以償看到了這一片又香又美的紫色歩道(〃∀〃)~ 分享給大家~

2014開放時間:2014/04/26~2014/04/29 上午10:00~16:00
Staff Chien
In the end of April is the flowering season of wisteria. You may see wisteria as a beautiful hair clip on maikos' s head very often but had you got a chance to see the real one? These is the photos of wisteria in Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau. It has been specially opened from April 26 to 29 for wisteria-viewing. There is a gorgeous purple trail with the good smelling of wisteria. If you find it a pity missing the chance this year, welcome next year~

photo by staff Chien
copy by staff Weng



Staff Kung


The tickets of Kiyomizu Temple in four seasons and the special light-up ticket plus;)

Something staff Kung gain in last year lol.

copy by staff Weng




Staff Chien


As a spring special in cherry-flowering season, Nijo Castle (Nijo-jo) had opened up at night for cherry blossom viewing. Though the weather was so cold, the beautiful cherry flowers were something you just couldn't refuse. So, there is the photos!

You can see the cherry-flower-shape light on the floor. It made a wonderful atmosphere mixing with  fantasy and reality. Also, there were a small Light show in the castle. The highlight is the lighted-up cherry avenue which was really worth a visit!

An exciting news was: you wouldn't be charge anything for the night ticket if you wear the kimono! Don't miss the chance next year~

staff Weng









Staff Kung


April 20 is a big day for Kyoto Fushimi Inari-taisha. It always starts on the Sunday near April 20, and lasts for two weeks to the 2nd Saturday, which is on May 3rd in this year. The two weeks ceremony is called "Inarimatsuri," the biggest fiesta in a year.
Inarimatsuri was firstly held in Heian period (794-1192), and was passed on till now as a on-going tradition. And also, the five holy palanquins used in the ceremony is so gorgeous and dainty that they can absolutely beat the others in Japan.
If you happen to be in Kyoto in this period, why don't you put Inari-taisha in your itinerary?

photo by staff Kung
copy by staff Weng



2014.01.22 加拿大女孩Emilia舞妓體驗記 -- Canadian Girl Emilia's Maiko Makeover





Staff Yu的好朋友Emilia 是今年19歳的加拿大女孩, 這次來日本為期38天的旅行中在京都待了一半以上的日子,卻在假期接近尾聲時感冒。為了最後在京都留下一個美好的回憶, 在回加拿大前一天來到夢館體驗舞妓變身。

抵達後先填寫簡單資料, 選擇要體驗的方案, 有些追加的選項例如大頭貼, 明信片及護貝小卡也可到當場再選擇。決定方案後先換上浴衣準備化舞妓妝。因為天氣冷,工作人員也貼心的準備毯子蓋腿。


完妝後回到著裝室選衣服,眼花撩亂的選擇著實讓人猶豫許久!Emilia 選了一件淡緑色的舞妓振袖, 著裝老師説剛好很符合她的年紀, 是舞妓中的大姊姊。(舞妓是藝妓的學徒階段,等到了成年之後獨當一面才能成為藝妓)

穿衣的過程非常繁複,從内襯,半襟到稱為拾え的和服, 再用紐(ひも)固定, 後背上非常華麗的帯(おび)。因為振袖很長,在正式拍照前都得另外用一條紐先把拖地的拾え往上固定。穿好和服接著就上非常重的假髮,固定之後再別上黄花髮飾點綴。

等到正式攝影棚拍攝時,先把長長的拾え整理好,我們的攝影師再依選擇的POSE專業指導如何美美入鏡。其實正式拍攝很快就結束了,接下來就是用自己的像機盡情自拍的時間了!Staff Yu 也藉工作之便跟好友拍了好幾張照片~ 大家來體驗時也可以跟一起來的朋友和照喔!

照片沖洗的時間很快,換下衣服,把舞妓裝卸掉 (以及重新自行化妝) 在等候室稍作休息後,成品便熱騰騰拿到手了~ Emilia 另外加選了護貝小卡準備送給住在不同城市的至親及數位
的CD-R 以便保存數位档案。

Emilia 很開心這次來體驗舞妓變身,但她説她發覺藝妓的服裝更簡單高雅,她下次再來京都玩的話一定要再來玩一次藝妓的變身!

Staff Yu's friend Emilia, a sweet 19-year-old Canadian girl, stayed in Kyoto half of the time of her 38-day trip in Japan. Unfortunately, she caught a bad cold in the end of her long vacation. In order to leave the last wonderful memory in Kyoto, she came to Yumeyakata to experience her Maiko moment the day before she went back to Canada.
Having the the basic information filled out, she decided to do the Maiko 3-shots plan. Some additional options like Puri-Kura photo stickers, postcards and laminated cards are electable upon arrival. When everthing's settled, she changed in a yukata for doing the maiko make-up. Yumekata's dressing staff also considerately prepared a blanket for Emilia because of the low temperature.

The maiko make-up is a magical process. 
Before putting on the make-up, she has to:
1. wash off all the make-up on the face,  
2. put on the "Habutae" head cover, and
3. blow nose and scratch face if anywhere itching.

Maiko's white foundation-putting started from the nape and spreaded to the front. Next, the red eye-shadow is putted on the end of the eyes, a signature mark of a maiko make-up. Subsequently, while the the diffcult-to-dry eyeliner was being drawn Emilia had to close her eyes until the eyeliner is completely dried. The eyebrows are brown/red, the lips classic-red. Finally, carefully with the mascara on,  the make-up was finished.

Came back to the dressing room, it took her quite a while to decide which kimono to dress up, because there are just too many beautiful ones! Emilia decided a celadon furisode piece, which the dresser described as an age-appropriate choice, a big sister among the little apprentices. (A Maiko is an apprentice of a Geisha, usually before the adulthood of age 20. Until all the skilled endeavored with perfection, a Maiko becomes a Geisha.)

The whole dressing process is very complicated. From the Hadagi (robe shape underwear), Han-eri (collar facing under a kimono) to the so-called Awase kimono, every layer is tied by the Himo strings under an extremely ornate Obi belt of two-layered Otaiko-musubi (way to tie the Obi belt) on the outermost Awase. Because the furisode is very long, the Awase draped to the ground had to be tied up by another Himo string before the photoshooting started. Had the kimonos been dressed up, it was time to put on the very heavy wig, adorned with hair accessory of yellow flowering.

When started shooting the photos, firstly the staff arranged the long Awase to make it lied smoothly on the ground. The photographer then directed Emilia the posing according to her choices. Actually, it did not take long for the photo shots, so there are plenty of time to take pictures by ourselves! I also took advantage of this assignment to take a few pictures with my good friend.

It did not take long to wait for the photos ready. Having taken all the costumes and the dramatic make-up off (and putting on the make up again), the finished works are handed to Emilia after some rest in the waiting room. She additionally ordered smaller-sized laminated cards in order to send to her parents and friends living in different cities, and the digital data by CD-R.

Emilia was really happy to come to experience a Maiko makeover. She also found the Geisha's kimonos are simple and elegant. Next time when she visits Japan, she said she would love to do a Geisha's makeover then.

staff Yu
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