
炎炎夏季馬上要到來,夢館6月7日起 推出清涼浴衣了。 大家可能不太了解日本的和服與浴衣的差別。 所以特意附上簡易的圖片説明。 總結為一句話的話呢,就是 和服至少穿三層,四季都可以穿;浴衣為兩層,僅限夏季。6月7日後准備來店的朋友,推薦您體驗浴衣哦,更涼爽!更花俏!更可愛喲!

Staff Hu



Summer is coming soon!!

From June 7th, there will be an option in addition to kimono for you, "yukata".

Here is the picture of yukata. Can you tell the difference of this two Japanese clothes?

Yukata is the summer wearing in ancient Japan. In other words, you will feel cooler than wearing in kimono. You wear three layers of clothes, four layers sometimes, when wearing kimono but you only need to wear two for yukata.

Also, the patterns of yukata are more lively and colorful than kimono.


In such a hot weather in Japan, we really suggest you to chose the yukata as your special memory in Kyoto!

copy by staff Weng

