東山花灯路 2015

在櫻花開之前,京都還有一個意境優美的活動──「東山花灯路」,繼去年底的嵐山花灯路後,京都的夜?又將被一盞一盞的燈火照亮,尤其在東山 (清水寺往北至青蓮院) 一帶,既是古寺老街聚集的地區,又有石板小徑等古色古香的景致!


2015 Higashiyama Hanatouro will be held on Friday, March 6th through Sunday, March 15. Higashiyama is the concentrated area with many Japanese traditional style buildings and temples. The entire area, north from Seiren-in Temple to Kiyomizu-dera Temple at south, will be illuminated by lanterns after lanterns on the pathways.

If you happen to be coming to Kyoto during this period, don't miss the chance to see the beautiful Higashiyama in the evening

2015東山花灯路活動官網?Higashiyama Hanatouro:
