

在日本,特別是到1/15之前,有許多神社都有新年參拜的活動。 除此之外,大家知道嗎?其實在日本有許多祈求増運的能量場所。很多客人常常會問「穿了和服之後接下來要去哪裡呢?」,因此夢館貼心的替大家規劃了幾個既可以美美穿著和服體驗京都,又可以到増運場所祈求幸運或是美貌的各種觀光方案。 觀光諮詢第一彈-『覓良縁女子旅--結良縁→美貌祈願→祈求好歸宿』『人氣女子旅--結良縁除惡縁』『前舞妓的專業推薦--散歩花街之旅』等。 更多詳細資訊,請至夢館一樓觀光諮詢確認。

翻訳 staff Tsai


A Happy New Year!
May the new year be happy and fruitful!

Here, our Yumeyakata Information Center has resumed this year with more powerful!! After you dressing up with kimono, and wondering where to go, then come to our information center. We have our original sightseeing and walking courses from Yumeyakta just for you :
"The Gods of Good Marriage and Beauty Course"
"Nothing but Good Marriage Course"
"Ex-Maiko's Pick-up Flower Town Course" etc.
Please ask us for more details.
This year we will continue to do our best to serve you. Thank you.

Information Staff : Saori
